Anniversary Song - generously provided by African Diaspora Music Project

Song Title Anniversary Song - generously provided by African Diaspora Music Project (Search)
Composer(s):H. Leslie Adams
Composer Underrepresented GroupAfrican-American; POC; Black (Search)
Author(s):Joette McDonald
Author Underrepresented GroupWoman (Search)
Year of composition 1993 (Search) Circa
Larger WorkDaybirth: Songs on Texts of J. McDonald (Search)
Original LanguageEnglish (Search)
Catalog DesignationNo. 5 (Search)
Voice part suggested by composerMedium voice
Range: Db4 - F5 (Search)
Recommended Printed SourceAmerican Composers Alliance (Search)
Sources CitedAfrican Diaspora Music Project, created by Dr. Louise Toppin (Search)
ContributorDr. Louise Toppin; GTM (Search)
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