Eifersucht und Stolz

Song TitleEifersucht und Stolz (Search)
Composer(s):Franz Schubert
Author(s):Wilhelm Müller
Keyword(s) & Features: Addressee: Brook; Anger; Arrogance; Brooks; Carving; Children; Dancing; Distance; Emotions; Faces; Flirting; Gates; Heartache; Hunters; Hurrying; Jealousy; Love; Messages; Millermaids; Part of a Song Cycle; Personification: Brooks; Pipes; Quick; Returning; Sadness; Scolding; Separation; Songs; Streets; Telling; Unrequited Love; Wild; Windows
First LineWohin so schnell (Search)
Average Duration1:45 (Search)
Year of composition 1823 (Search)
Larger WorkDie schöne Müllerin (Search)
Author's associated movements or -isms or GroupsRomanticism (Search)
Original LanguageGerman (Search)
Score Source https://s9.imslp.org/files/imglnks/usimg/f/f6/IMSLP03233-Schubert_dsm_em.pdf
Link to IPA Source https://www.ipasource.com/product/eifersucht-und-stolz-2/
Catalog DesignationD. 795, no. 15 (Search)
Range: D4 - G5 (Search)
Original KeyG minor (Search)
Dedicated ToSchönstein, Karl von (Search)
Premiered ByStockhausen, Julius Christian (Search)
NotesComposed in October-November; Poet was the son of a tailor; poet died at 32 (Search)
Recommended Printed SourceBärenreiter: H, M, L (Search)
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