Die Knabenzeit

Song TitleDie Knabenzeit (Search)
Composer(s):Franz Schubert
Author(s):Ludwig Heinrich Christoph Hölty
Keyword(s) & Features: Awful; Balls; Blossoms; Blue; Boyhood; Boys; Breaking; Bright; Butterflies; Carefree; Carpe Diem; Cheerful; Childhood; Children; Cicero; Clothing; Contentment; Cursing; Disturbing; Encouraging; Enjoyment; Faces; Falling; Fields; Freedom; Games; Gardens; Happiness; Horses; Hussars; Jolly; Larks; Latin; Learning; Lords; Lucky; Narrow; Nature; Nightingales; Noticing; Passage of Time; Playing; Pleasure; Pursuing; Rooms; Running; Scents; Shoulders; Stripes; Studying; Sweating; Swords; Tops; Toys; Water; Wood; World; Youth
First LineWie glücklich, wem das Knabenkleid (Search)
Average Duration2:00 (Search)
Year of composition 1816 (Search)
Link to English Text Onlinehttp://www.lieder.net/lieder/get_text.html?TextId=120899
Musical FormStrophic (Search)
Author's associated movements or -isms or GroupsGöttinger Hainbund (Search)
Original LanguageGerman (Search)
Score Source http://javanese.imslp.info/files/imglnks/usimg/1/1e/IMSLP13050-SchubertD400_Die_Knabenzeit.pdf
Catalog DesignationD. 400 (Search)
Range: G#4 - A5 (Search)
Original KeyA Major (Search)
ContributorAL (Search)
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