I'll sail upon the Dog Star

Song TitleI'll sail upon the Dog Star (Search)
Composer(s):Henry Purcell
Author(s):Thomas d'Urfey
Keyword(s) & Features: Adventures; Boys; Chasing; Climbing; Conquering; Dog Star; Frosty; Journeys; Judging; Moon; Morning; Mountains; Nations; Noon; Pursuing; Rainbows; Roaring; Sailing; Sirius; Sky; Stars; Traveling; Weather
First LineI'll sail upon the Dog Star (Search)
Average Duration1:30 (Search)
Year of composition 1688 (Search)
Link to English Text Onlinehttp://www.lieder.net/lieder/get_text.html?TextId=16129
Larger WorkIncidental music to "A Fool's Preferment" (Search)
Musical FormThrough-composed (Search)
Original LanguageEnglish (Search)
Score Source https://s9.imslp.org/files/imglnks/usimg/2/2f/IMSLP218070-SIBLEY1802.20988.5ce9-39087009848609score.pdf
Audio Source https://open.spotify.com/track/1LP1QEXibAnw1dDY30M02d?si=vDvDnwwHThe4Zy4JEK-H4w
Difficulty LevelHS (Search)
Catalog DesignationZ 571 (Search)
Range: C4 - G5 (Search)
Original KeyBb Major (Search)
NotesBenjamin Britten wrote a piano realization of this piece. (Search)
Other instrumentation and voiceCan be performed with harpsichord, continuo, lute (Search)
ContributorJEM (Search)
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