Omens and Oracles

Song TitleOmens and Oracles (Search)
Composer(s):Charles Ives
Author(s):Robert Bulwer Lytton (as Owen Meredith)
Keyword(s) & Features: Amara; Beams; Beginning; Beware; Birds; Blossoms; Breaking; Breezes; Buds; Concern; Conflicts; Confusion; Couples; Danger; Darkness; Fatal; Feelings; First Love; Fleeting; Fools; Future; Heeding; Larks; Love; Morning; Night; Omens; Oracles; Passage of Time; Past; Phantoms; Reeds; Relief; Rippling; Sighing; Singing; Specters; Spirits; Stealing; Voices; Waking; Warnings
First LinePhantoms of the future, spectres of the past (Search)
Average Duration2:30 (Search)
Link to English Text Online
Larger WorkSentimental Ballads (Search)
Musical FormModified ternary (Search)
Original LanguageEnglish (Search)
Audio Source
Catalog DesignationSentimental Ballads, no. 2 (Search)
Voice part suggested by composerMedium/Low voice
Range: C4 - F5 (Search)
Original KeyC Major (Search)
ContributorAL (Search)
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