Varuna I (Sky)

Song TitleVaruna I (Sky) (Search)
Composer(s):Gustav Holst
Author(s):Gustav after Bible/Sacred Texts Holst
Keyword(s) & Features: Answering; Appearing; Begging; Birds; Breaking; Chants; Composer is Poet; Cries; Day; Death; Delivering; Destroying; Devotion; Enduring; Eternity; Flying; Forgiveness; Holy; Hymn; India; Indian; Judges; Judgment; Knowing; Laws; Mercy; Mighty; Moon; Nests; Paths; Praise; Praising; Religious; Rulers; Sacred; Sins; Thrones; Varuna; Wind; Woe; Wrath
First LineOh thou great judge, Varuna (Search)
Average Duration3:15 (Search)
Year of composition 1907 - 1908 (Search)
Link to English Text Online
Larger WorkHymns from the Rig Veda (Search)
Musical FormModified strophic (Search)
Original LanguageEnglish (Search)
Score Source
Audio Source
Difficulty LevelCollege (Search)
Catalog DesignationOp. 24 no. 2 (Search)
Range: Bb3 - D5 (Search)
ContributorJEM (Search)
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