The thought

Song TitleThe thought (Search)
Composer(s):Gustav Holst
Author(s):Humbert Wolfe
Author Underrepresented GroupJewish (Search)
Keyword(s) & Features: Air; Beloved; Bones; Crumbling; Desire; Enduring; Eternal Love; Grieving; Hands; Hearts; Lost Love; Lovely; Lovers; Loving; Memories; Mortal; Mourning; Poems; Poetry; Pressing; Remembering; Rest; Spirits; Stirring; Tenderness; Thoughts; Words; Writing
First LineI will not write a poem for you (Search)
Average Duration2:00 (Search)
Year of composition 1929 (Search)
Link to English Text Online
Larger Work12 Humbert Wolfe Songs (Search)
Musical FormModified strophic (Search)
Original LanguageEnglish (Search)
Score Source
Audio Source
Difficulty LevelCollege (Search)
Catalog DesignationOp. 48 no. 5 (Search)
Range: C#4 - F#5 (Search)
ContributorJEM (Search)
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