Prosti, Prosti!; прости, прости! (Forgive, Forgive!)

Song TitleProsti, Prosti!; прости, прости! (Search)
Title in EnglishForgive, Forgive! (Search)
Composer(s):Aleksandr Aljabjev (Аля́бьев, Алекса́ндр Алекса́ндрович)
Author(s):P. Burtsova
Keyword(s) & Features: Beauty; Contentment; Day; Dreaming; Eyes; Forgiving; Groans; Hands; Hearts; Joy; Longing; Lyres; Pleading; Remembering; Reminiscing; Sadness; Shining; Souls; Sweetness; Then and Now
First LineProsti, Prosti!; прости, прости! (Search)
Year of composition 1835 (Search)
Musical FormStrophic (Search)
Original LanguageRussian (Search)
Score Source
Range: C4 - E5 (Search)
Original KeyA minor (Search)
Recommended Printed SourceAlyabev, Selected Romances and Songs; ISBN 978-5-7140-0332-5 (Search)
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