Christ at a Wedding (Love Union) - generously provided by African Diaspora Music Project

Song Title Christ at a Wedding (Love Union) - generously provided by African Diaspora Music Project (Search)
Composer(s):H. Leslie Adams
Composer Underrepresented GroupAfrican-American; POC; Black (Search)
Author(s):Joette McDonald
Author Underrepresented GroupWoman (Search)
Keyword(s) & Features: Affirming; Bland; Blessing; Blessings; Brackish; Celebrating; Celebrations; Christ; Christian Worship Service; Christianity; Colors; Cores; Depths; Divine; Divinity; Friends; Guests; Hands; Holiness; Holy; Jesus; Joy; Kingdom of God; Kingdoms; Laboring; Laughing; Life; Lord; Love; Marriage; Metaphor: Body as Vessel; Metaphor: Life as Vessel; Miracles; Nations; New; Old; Parties; Presence; Promising; Refining; Religion; Rich; Sending; Sharing; Sparks; Stations; Stirring; Tasting; Tepid; Touching; Turning; Unions; Vessels; Visits; Water; Wedding Service; Weddings; Welcome; Wine
First LineChrist at a wedding, a visit Divine (Search)
Year of composition 2000 (Search) Circa
Larger WorkDaybirth: Songs on Texts of J. McDonald (Search)
Musical FormModified strophic (Search)
Original LanguageEnglish (Search)
Catalog DesignationNo. 2 (Search)
Voice part suggested by composerMedium voice
Range: Db4 - Eb5 (Search)
Original KeyDb Major (Search)
NotesScore includes optional ossias among which singers may choose depending upon their range. The range given here reflects the least extreme low and high ranges used among the ossias (the most extreme low note is Ab3, and the most extreme high is Ab5). (Search)
Recommended Printed SourceArt Source Publishing (Search)
Sources CitedAfrican Diaspora Music Project, created by Dr. Louise Toppin (Search)
ContributorDr. Louise Toppin; GTM (Search)
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