Ni otzyva, ni slova, ni priveta; Ни отзыва, ни слова, ни привета (No response, no word, no greeting)

Song TitleNi otzyva, ni slova, ni priveta; Ни отзыва, ни слова, ни привета (Search)
Title in EnglishNo response, no word, no greeting (Search)
Composer(s):Pyotr Il′yich Tchaikovsky (Пётр Ильич Чайковский)
Composer Underrepresented GroupLGBTQ+ (Search)
Author(s):A. N. Apukhtin (Alekseĭ Nikolaevich; Апухтин Алексей Николаевич)
Author Underrepresented GroupLGBTQ+ (Search)
Keyword(s) & Features: After; Anger; Angry; Answers; Asking; Bitter; Bitterness; Closeness; Couples; Deserts; Disappearing; Distance; Distant; Done; Dying; Emptiness; Empty; End; Ending; Falling; Fearful; Fleeting Love; Forgetting; Forgone; Forgotten; Greetings; Grief; Grieving; Hearts; Hours; Hurting; Longing; Lost Love; Lovers; Lying; Melancholy; Metaphor: Distance as Desert; Metaphor: Past as Falling Star; Metaphor: Past as Forgotten Tune; Night; No; Over; Painful; Past; Questioning; Questions; Relationships; Responses; Sadness; Sorrow; Sorrowful; Sounds; Spaces; Stars; Swallowing; Thoughts; Traces; Tunes; Vanishing; Voids; Weighing; Wondering; Words; World; Wounded; Wounding; Wounds
First LineNi otzyva, ni slova, ni priveta; Ни отзыва, ни слова, ни привета (Search)
Average Duration2:30 (Search)
Year of composition 1875 (Search)
Link to English Text Online
Larger WorkШесть романсов; Six Romances (Search)
Musical FormModified strophic (Search)
Original LanguageRussian (Search)
Score Source
Audio Source
Difficulty LevelMasters/YA (Search)
Catalog DesignationOp. 28 no. 5 (Search)
Voice part suggested by composerMiddle voice
Range: C3 - F4 (Search)
Original KeyC minor (Search)
Dedicated ToBogomir Bogomirovich Korsov; Богомир Богомирович Корсов (the stage name of Gottfried Göring; Готтфрид Гëринг) (Search)
Sources Cited; (Search)
ContributorMRH , Morgan Horning (Search)
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