Quanto è dolce quel velen

Song TitleQuanto è dolce quel velen (Search)
Composer(s):Alessandro Scarlatti
Keyword(s) & Features: Beauty; Breasts; Fleeing; Harmful Love; Ignoring; Infatuation; Intoxication; Longing; Love; Metaphor: Love as Poison; Painful Love; Sweet; Venom
First LineQuanto è dolce quel velen (Search)
Year of composition 1682 (Search)
Link to English Text Onlinehttps://www.lieder.net/lieder/get_text.html?TextId=196407
Original LanguageItalian (Search)
Link to IPA Source https://www.ipasource.com/product/quanto-peni-anima-mia-2/
NotesPrimary source text is an opera libretto with text attributed to Ovid and music attributed to Orfeo. (Search)
Sources Citedhttps://books.google.com/books?id=X6zFc4qJKiIC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false (Search)
ContributorGTM (Search)
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