Quando le domandai

Song TitleQuando le domandai (Search)
Composer(s):Francesco Santoliquido
Author(s):Anonymous (after Negi de Kamare)
Keyword(s) & Features: Absent Love; Asking; Causes; Dialogue; Distance; Distant Love; Eyes; Lovers; Metaphor: Lover as Eyes; Metaphor: Lover as Soul; Multiple Speakers; Responding; Seeing; Separation; Souls; Surprising; Telling
First LineQuando le domandai (Search)
Average Duration1:30 (Search)
Year of composition 1910 - 1919 (Search) Circa
Link to English Text Onlinehttps://www.lieder.net/lieder/get_text.html?TextId=18012
Larger WorkTre poesie persiane (Search)
Original LanguageItalian (Search)
Score Source https://www.worldcat.org/title/tre-poesie-persiane-three-persian-poems/oclc/36050059&referer=brief_results
Audio Source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NY8KF3iQQRY
Catalog Designationno. 1 (Search)
NotesOriginal poet is of Middle Eastern (Persian) origin (Search)
ContributorGTM (Search)
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