Blow high, blow low

Song TitleBlow high, blow low (Search)
Composer(s):Charles Dibdin
Author(s):Charles Dibdin
Keyword(s) & Features: Blowing; Cans of flip; Composer is Poet; Crews; Danger; Distant Love; Drinking; Drinking Song; Faithfulness; Fears; Hearts; High; Love; Low; Masts; Metaphor: Love as Harbor; Metaphor: Love as Refuge; Mountains; Power of Love; Roaring; Seas; Ships; Sighing; Surges; Sweethearts; Tempests; Thoughts; Wind; Wives
First LineBlow high, blow low (Search)
Average Duration4:00 (Search)
Link to English Text Online
Musical FormRondo (Search)
Original LanguageEnglish (Search)
Score Source
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Difficulty LevelHS (Search)
Range: Ab2 - C4 (Search)
Original KeyEb Major (Search)
Recommended Printed SourceReliquary of English Song, Vol. 2 (Search)
ContributorSHK (Search)
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