Night song

Song TitleNight song (Search)
Composer(s):Howard Swanson
Composer Underrepresented GroupAfrican-American; POC; Black (Search)
Author(s):Langston Hughes
Author Underrepresented GroupAfrican-American; POC; Black (Search)
Keyword(s) & Features: Dark; Darkness; Day; Dusk; Fainting; Ladies; Little; Moon; Night; Personification: Day; Personification: Dusk; Short; Singing; Songs; Tall; Twilight; Walking
First LineIn the dark / Before the tall / Moon came (Search)
Year of composition 1950 (Search) Circa
Author's associated movements or -isms or GroupsHarlem Renaissance (Search)
Original LanguageEnglish (Search)
ContributorGTM (Search)
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