Cuando lejos, muy lejos

Song TitleCuando lejos, muy lejos (Search)
Composer(s):Jaime León
Composer Underrepresented GroupPOC (Search)
Author(s):Julio Flórez
Author Underrepresented GroupPOC (Search)
Keyword(s) & Features: Absentees; Breezes; Clouds; Far; Intimacy; Kisses; Love; Mists; Nature; Night; Passion; Passionate; Rays; Salvation; Seas; Sighs; Songs; Souls; Stars; Suffering; Sun; Sweet; Wings
First LineCuando lejos, muy lejos, en hondos mares (Search)
Average Duration3:00 (Search)
Year of composition 1977 (Search)
Original LanguageSpanish (Search)
Audio Source
Difficulty LevelCollege (Search)
Voice part suggested by composerHigh voice
Range: Eb4 - Ab5 (Search)
Original KeyDb Major (Search)
ContributorGTM , Ben Grigoriou (Search)
Contributor Affiliation University of Connecticut (Search)
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