Caché dans l'épaisseur... L’Amour n’a plus besoin de son carquois vainqueur

Song TitleCaché dans l'épaisseur... L’Amour n’a plus besoin de son carquois vainqueur (Search)
Composer(s):Pierre de La Garde
Keyword(s) & Features: Adorable; Air (Song); Beauty; Borrowing; Cantata; Charm; Charming; Contains Recitative; Cupid; Flying; Glimpsing; Glory; Gods; Hearts; Hidden; Lisette; Love; Lovely; Musettes; Music; Musical Instruments; Mythology; Nature; Pastoral; Playing; Quivers; Reigning; Senses; Sights; Steps; Surprising; Talents; Thickets; Triumphant; Victory; Worshipping
First LineCaché dans l'épaisseur d'un bosquet favorable, (Search)
Year of composition 1758 (Search)
Link to English Text Online
Larger WorkLa musette: cantate pour une voix (Search)
Musical FormModified ternary (Search)
Original LanguageFrench (Search)
Score Source
Catalog DesignationIPG 1 (no. 2) (Search)
Voice part suggested by composerBaritone
Range: C3 - F4 (Search)
Original KeyVarious (Search)
NotesThe composer was a musician at the court of Louis XV, and the cantata was long misattributed to Rameau. (Search)
Other instrumentation and voiceVoice and basso continuo (realized for keyboard) (Search)
ContributorGTM (Search)
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