In deinen Augen liegt all mein Glück (In your eyes I find all my fortune)

Song TitleIn deinen Augen liegt all mein Glück (Search)
Title in EnglishIn your eyes I find all my fortune (Search)
Composer(s):Leo Justinius Kauffmann
Keyword(s) & Features: Eyes; Fortune; Happiness; Tango
Average Duration3:30 (Search)
Year of composition 1934 (Search) Circa
Original LanguageGerman (Search)
Audio Source
Voice part suggested by composerSoprano
Original KeyD Major (Search)
NotesSong is most likely from the 1934 film "Ihr größter Erfolg." Composer was killed during an air-raid on Strasbourg in World War II (Search)
ContributorGTM (Search)
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