Torna, vezzosa Fillide

Song record peer reviewed by Editorial Board member: Suna Gunther

Song TitleTorna, vezzosa Fillide (Search)
Composer(s):Vincenzo Bellini
Keyword(s) & Features: Addressee: Lover; Answering; Asking; Beloved; Brooks; Calling; Charming; Crying; Dear; Death; Distant; Dying; Eyes; Fillide; God; Hearts; Home; Houses; Lamenting; Looking; Mind; Murmuring; Night and day; Nothing; Nymphs; Pain; Pastoral; Peace; Phyllis; Pleasure; Returning; River; Rivers; Searching; Searching for Love; Seas; Shepherds; Shores; Turning; Unanswered Love; Vivid; Water; Weeping
First LineTorna, vezzosa Fillide (Search)
Average Duration7:45 (Search)
Year of composition 1827 - 1833 (Search) Circa
Link to English Text Online
Original LanguageItalian (Search)
Score Source
Audio Source
Link to IPA Source
Range: E4 - A5 (Search)
Original KeyA Major (Search)
ContributorJEM (Search)
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