Mi vida eres tu

Song TitleMi vida eres tu (Search)
Composer(s):Ernesto Lecuona
Composer Underrepresented GroupPOC (Search)
Author(s):Alvaro Suárez
Author Underrepresented GroupPOC (Search)
Keyword(s) & Features: Asking; Beings; Breasts; Caring; Carrying; Cheering; Crystal; Death; Dying; Existence; Feeling; Harmful Love; Hearts; Illusions; Imprisoned; Kisses; Laughs; Life; Living; Love; Pain; Painful Love; Passion; Pleading; Relief; Suffering; Unrequited Love; Waiting
First LineMi vida eres tu (Search)
Average Duration4:30 (Search)
Year of composition 1958 (Search) Circa
Original LanguageSpanish (Search)
Audio Source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRZFzw96Aqo
Sources CitedPerez Flora, O. (2013). Ernesto lecuona: His life and his songs (Order No. 3734645). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1738093129). (Search)
ContributorGTM (Search)
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